HTML5 = HTML markup (架構) + CSS style (外觀) + JaveScript APIs (行為)
JavaScript is the default language of HTML5.
JavaScript is the default language of HTML5.
關於 JavaScript 以下有兩本我覺得很有幫助的參考書:
- JavaScript: The Good Parts (蝴蝶書)
- Maintainable JavaScript (烏龜書)
當然,使用 HTML 和 CSS 就可以寫出非常好看的靜態網頁,有興趣可參考 Zen Garden 裡的 中 | 英 文說明範例;然而,如果想要跟上 web development 的時尚腳步,做出 Chrome Experiments 裡的互動網頁,讓朋友在 fb 上分享,JavaScript 是其中不可缺少利器之一。So, let's take some time and have a little fun with a simple example :]
- JavaScript: The Good Parts (蝴蝶書)
- Maintainable JavaScript (烏龜書)
如何讓 HTML 裡的 element 由 JavaScript 來控制做出互動效果呢? JavaScript 和 HTML 之間的溝通需要靠另一位小幫手 Document Object Model (DOM)。DOM 怎麼來的?
當瀏覽器 parse HTML 檔案的同時,它會產生一個像樹狀的圖 (也就是 internal model),這個圖解構 HTML 檔案裡所有 element 的關係。JavaScript 也就是靠著 DOM 對 HTML 的了解,取得這些 element 的資訊再加入互動行為。當 JavaScript 完成修改後,我們的瀏覽器會動態更新而成就互動網頁,可參考此關係圖。以範例中的 text input, button 和 displaylist 來看它們如何對話:
STEP1. Set up an event handler: when the button (id="btn1") is clicked..STEP2. Write the handler to get the value from the text input (id="wt2do").
STEP3. Create a new "li" element to hold this value.
STEP4. Add the element to the page's DOM ("ul" id="displaylist").
<!doctype html>
<script src="2dolist.js"></script>
<h1>2 Do:</h1>
<input type="text" id="wt2do" size="30" placeholder="What's in your mind?">
<ul id="displaylist"></ul>
<script src="2dolist.js"></script>
<h1>2 Do:</h1>
<input type="text" id="wt2do" size="30" placeholder="What's in your mind?">
<input type="button" id="btn1" value="add">
<input type="button" id="btn2" value="remove list">
<ul id="displaylist"></ul>
var todolist = null;
function init(){
/* add event handler for button add*/
document.getElementById("btn1").addEventListener('click', onClickedBtnAdd); //STEP 1
/* load todo list from the storage; or if none, create a new one*/
todoList = loadDisplaylist();
if (todoList === null){
todoList = document.getElementById("displaylist");
function onClickedBtnAdd(){
/* get the input text */
var input = document.getElementById("wt2do").value, //STEP 2
todoItem = null;
/* if the input value is available, add to the list */
if (input !== ""){
todoItem = addTodoItem(input, todoList);
function addTodoItem(item, ul){
li = document.createElement("li"); //STEP 3.1
return li;
function init(){
/* add event handler for button add*/
document.getElementById("btn1").addEventListener('click', onClickedBtnAdd); //STEP 1
/* load todo list from the storage; or if none, create a new one*/
todoList = loadDisplaylist();
if (todoList === null){
todoList = document.getElementById("displaylist");
function onClickedBtnAdd(){
/* get the input text */
var input = document.getElementById("wt2do").value, //STEP 2
todoItem = null;
/* if the input value is available, add to the list */
if (input !== ""){
todoItem = addTodoItem(input, todoList);
function addTodoItem(item, ul){
li = document.createElement("li"); //STEP 3.1
li.textContent = item; //STEP 3.2
ul.appendChild(li); //STEP 4
...return li;
想了解更多關於 Event Handler,這裡有兩篇不錯的文章:
- Traditional model: Ex. element.onclick = doSomething;
- Advanced models: Ex. element.addEventListener('click',doSomething,false);
或許有人會覺得,怎麼好像沒看到 HTML5 的半點影子呢?嘿嘿,最後就讓我們利用一下 HTML5 的 localStorage 把 displaylist 存起來吧!
var STORAGE_LIST_KEY = "displaylist";
function save(item){
var displaylistArray = getStoreArray(STORAGE_LIST_KEY);
localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_LIST_KEY, JSON.stringify(displaylistArray));
function clearDisplaylist(){
function loadDisplaylist(){
return list;
function getStoreArray(key){
var displaylistArray = localStorage.getItem(key);
if(displaylistArray === null || displaylistArray === ""){ displaylistArray = [];
} else{
displaylistArray = JSON.parse(displaylistArray);
return displaylistArray;
function save(item){
var displaylistArray = getStoreArray(STORAGE_LIST_KEY);
localStorage.setItem(STORAGE_LIST_KEY, JSON.stringify(displaylistArray));
function clearDisplaylist(){
function loadDisplaylist(){
return list;
function getStoreArray(key){
var displaylistArray = localStorage.getItem(key);
if(displaylistArray === null || displaylistArray === ""){ displaylistArray = [];
} else{
displaylistArray = JSON.parse(displaylistArray);
return displaylistArray;
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